Graden av empati med ofrene i Japan varierer…
Og det er ikke bare en enkelt raring som mener dette, tusenvis av amerikanere har postet liknende meldinger på nettet. Som “Japan bombed pearl harbor, and God gave them a tsunami lol” Noen av dem er samlet her, her og her.
(EDIT) Var ikke meningen her å si noe om hverken folkesjel eller hele kontinenter. Hvis folk i andre land sier noe av samme kaliber, håper jeg de får tilsvarende juling som disse har fått.
Når det gjelder USA og koblingen patriotisme+religion, synes jeg det er interessant hva Darrel Ray skriver i boka “The God Virus”. Han siterer først sosiologen Bellah:
What we have, from the earliest years of the republic, is a collection of beliefs, symbols and rituals with respect to sacred things and institutionalized in a collectivity … American civil religion has its own prophets and its own martyrs, its own sacred events and sacred places, its own solemn rituals and symbols. It is concerned that America be a society as perfectly in accord with the will of God as men can make it, and a light to all the nations. —Robert Bellah (1967)
Ray kommenterer: “The civil religion is a deeply embedded myth that has existed as a meta-religion since the nation’s beginning. Not tied to any one doctrine, the nebolous belief system is loosely based on the Judeo-Christian tradition, with claims that a god has blessed this nation and is a guiding force in its destiny.”
Nå kan man sikkert si at dette elementet er tilstede i andre lands nasjonalisme/patriotisme, men det virker som et mer tilbakelagt stadium i land som feks Tyskland og England.
March 12, 2011 at 11:07 pm
To be honest, I won’t shed a tear if a Tsunami wipe out the whole fuckin US east coast. I’ll just post this on my facebook “Hahahaha, remember the Indians? This is gods righteous punnishment”.